

Crepe Pan Giveaway! + My Favorite Crepe

So I have some very exciting news... The Little Kitchen is officially having a giveaway! The very kind people at Berndes cookware have given me a crepe pan to give away to one of my readers.  If you are new to the Little Kitchen, I have a minor obsession with my Berndes crepe pan.  It has brought me so much joy and now I have one to give away to one of you!  Everyone who enters, will be put into a drawing and I will randomly draw a winner.  Read below to see how to enter!

With all of the posts I have done about crepes, I have somehow skipped my favorite and probably easiest one to make... Nutella and bananas.  The creamy chocolate and slices of bananas wrapped in a warm, slightly crispy crepe is just magical.  There is really no recipe to post here because all you need is nutella and bananas.  The amount of each is totally up to your taste.  I like mine with quite a bit of chocolate so I cover the entire crepe, but you can add just a couple of dollops for a lighter chocolate taste.

To enter the giveaway:
1.  Leave a comment on this post and include two things...
  • Your idea of the perfect crepe (any combination you can think of or it can be as simple asbananas and chocolate)  The winner will not be picked based on the fanciest crepe so simply pick any crepe you would like and you will be entered.
  • Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you if you don't plan on checking back... I would hate for you to miss out.
  • If you would like to be entered twice, mention this giveaway on your own blog (sorry if you do not have one, I still want you to enter!)  and your name will go in the pot twice... just make sure and let me know you did this!
2.  Check back in on Wednesday, October 7 and I will announce the winner.  If you are the winner, email me your address and your pan will be sent immediately.  The winner will be chosen from a random drawing (and don't worry, I will be posting the proof of how one random number was chosen).

*The giveaway will be opened until Saturday October 3rd.  Until then, I will be posting a few of my new favorite crepes!
*Open to U.S. residents only

If you have trouble leaving a comment click here for a step by step on how to comment.


  1. OH CREPES! My husband is crazy for them, but I haven't made them lately because my pan lost its non-stickness! He loves them with sour cream and guava jam or any other home made jam. I like them with sour cream and syrup. I have always wanted to try crepes suzette too, but mainly for the fantastic name ;-)
    Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
    Tricia Z
    bridgestranslation (at) yahoo (com)

  2. We love crepes at our house but never make them - maybe because I don't have the right pan! We always buy them at our Farmer's Market. My favorite combo is nutella with any kind of fresh berry with whip cream on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon! Yum. Leigh Anne

  3. Ahh! the giveaway is finally here! Crepes will always remind me of BGB, and one of my favorite crepes at our little stand was dark chocolate, strawberries and nuts. I am keepin' my fingers crossed :)

    Emily Evans

  4. P.S. I got a blog from my sis in-law this weekend for my birthday which is perfect timing to plug you shamelessly and enter again! Love ya :)

    Emily Evans

  5. well i definitely need a Berndes crepe pan! I would make all sorts of crepes. First a southwestern crepe with grilled chicken, onions, cheese, and a few more veggies. Then I would practice a few dessert recipes. My favorite is nutella and bananas! But I would also experiment with some pumpkin and cinnamon for fall :)

    please pick me!

  6. HI ASHLEA! So I LOVEEE food blogs and I was so excited to see that you have one of your own! Anyways, so I know you live in Houston and I recently went to visit there and my friend took us to a place called CoCo's Crepes. And they had this combination called Peace Crepe with Vanilla Gelato. Oh lordie!

    Well let's just try and enter:
    Thao Nguyen

    btw, SIC EM BEARS! hehe

  7. I have always wanted to try making crepes but I never have. I think that, considering my husband only likes savory dishes (no sweets), my idea of a tasty crepe might include honey ham, gruyere or fontina cheese, some chopped asparagus, and maybe some type of dijon or honey mustard sauce? Here's my blog: I am posting this giveaway on my blog as well; I am trying to help my friends get into cooking more! Thanks for all of the awesome recipes! I've only been able to try one so far but several are on my list for future dinners.

  8. I promise I will put the pan to work! How fancy schmancy of you to have a giveaway! I love it! My perfect crepe would be served with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Mmmmmm. :)


  9. forgot my contact info...

  10. dear little kitchen -
    i would like to have your free crepe pan. i would make lots of yummy crepes and might even make you one if you were lucky. i think my favorite crepe recipe would be one that i stole from flip happy crepe stand here in austin. it would be a crepe topped with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries and have a melt-in-your-mouth vanilla creme in the middle. i might even drizzle some dark chocolate on top. yum!

    you know you want one,
    lindsey myers

  11. p.s. - i hope mega doesn't think since she "forgot" her contact info, that her 2nd post coutns for another entry. :)

  12. Pizza Crepes!

    1 tablespoon olive oil or vegetable oil
    1/2 cup tomato sauce
    1/2 teaspoon oregano
    1/4 teaspoon basil
    1/4 cup thin sliced pepperoni
    3/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
    1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

    Okay lets face it---I copied this off the internet but it looks good and you would be combining your 2 new loves---pizza and crepes ;)

    PICK ME PICK ME!!!!!
    ---Loyal Little Kitchen Follower

    MM Porter

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I would love a crepe pan! I made crepes the other day, just simple ones. I added some cinnamon and vanilla to my crepe batter and spread a thin layer of nutella on them. I topped them off with powdered sugar and they were YUM-O! Pick me! :)

  15. ok. i hope i do this right. OF COURSE i would love to register to win a free crepe pan. and my perfect crepe would be a gluten free one. which i don't think is even possible. BUT, good news- z and i are making parm & herb encrusted chicks tonite!! i will blog about it on MY blog tomorrow, so be sure to check... :)

  16. Ashlea, my perfect crepe would include espresso, kahlua, chocolate and whipped cream!

    P.S. Dinner tonight was your Parmesan Crusted chicken - delicious!

  17. MMM...crepes are one of my favorites for breakfast! Great idea to have a give away! : ) I love honey ham, sauteed mushrooms and any kind of cheese melted into a crepe for a warm morning treat on my way to is always nice to top it off with some oj or a warm mug of chai. : )

  18. ash! i'm loving this. ditto to what emily said about bgb... i can't get enough of crepes! my most recent favorite has probably been a dark chocolate and grand marnier crepe with sliced almonds. unreal.


  19. Oh count me in! My favorite would be a crepe with peaches and cream.... yum.

  20. Oh wow! I have never made a crepe before but I would love to try! I would love to try your crepe you made with smoked salmon and cream cheese... yum!

  21. I would love to try making crepes. You make it look so easy! My idea of the perfect crepe would have bananas, chocolate, and maybe peanut butter or whipped cream! yum.

  22. I would love the banana, honey & peanut butter combo on a crepe...I guess I'll have to learn how to make them first :)

    Great blog!!

  23. UM I definitely need a crepe pan!! :) I would make a blueberries and creme one. I don't know how I would make the creme, but it would be delish. Thanks Ash! I loved reading your blog.


  24. I would love love love a crepe pan! I would make lots of sweet crepes. I have a big sweet tooth and would love to try a plain crepe filled with chocolate and serve it with ice cream. Yum yum! Thanks for the contest and I will check back to see if I won!

  25. I have been thinking about crepes for days, trying to think of a creative and tasty combination.... I would be oh-so-excited to test them out on an awesome new crepe pan! A savory one could have chopped green onions, grated smoked gouda cheese, and cherry tomatoes. For a sweet one, I would cook raspberries, blackberries and a sliced nectarine on a skillet for just a few minutes with a tiny bit of vanilla, cinnamon and brown sugar. Then I'd add them to the crepe with a little bit of fresh whipped cream on top (and a bit of lemon zest).

    Allison Dowell!

  26. Am I too late?!!! Please pick me!! I would love a crepe pan! My crepe would defiantely be honey and lavendar cake with powdered sugar on top!!

  27. Typo: Honey and lavendar crepe not cake:)
    and check on my blog:
    hopefully I'm not too late:)

  28. My fav crepe is pure and simple and vegan...See Isa Chandra Moskovitz' Vegan Brunch ckbk for recipes. I like to top mine with fresh fruit in season and a swirl of what I call "secret sauce"...(vegan sour cream blended with agave nectar of the goddesses and your choice of vanilla, cinnamon or lavender...depending on your mood). Yum-E!!!
