

fresh from the oven.

I am overjoyed to introduce Lillian Ashlea Taylor, born on Easter Sunday, March 31 at 4:16 p.m.  weighing 8 lbs. and 6 ounces.

This little cupcake is more fun than I could have ever imagined.

Well friends, I had big plans... I had plans of one last post here with an update on our almost here baby girl and I was going to leave you with a recipe for a wonderful strawberry cake.  Since mid March, we have known that this sweet little girl was breech and showed no signs of budging one bit. Despite my attempt at exercises and a try at acupuncture, she wasn't going to move so we had a scheduled c section on April 1.  I know what you are thinking... you had to schedule this and you were going with April Fool's Day?  For a lot of reasons, we went with it, but little Lilly had her own plans.  I woke up on Easter and was busy making a strawberry cake for our Easter family brunch and thought something didn't feel quite right.  I was experiencing quite a bit of pain every fifteen minutes, but because this was a week before my due date and I knew we were having her the next morning, I was just sure this wasn't labor.  I went on making my cake... stopping every once in awhile to cringe in pain. I told Mr. Hungry what was going on, but continued to ignore it.  He finally insisted that I call the doctor. On the way to church, I called just to check in and after answering quite a few questions, the nurse insisted that I come to the hospital immediately.  I asked if I could come in a few hours because we had Easter plans and the nurse told me that was not a good idea.  I guess I was being a bit stubborn and did not want to waste our last day on a false alarm at the hospital so I insisted we go on to church.  Half way through the service as I was experiencing more and more pain, I realized that I might be losing my mind and finally agreed we should probably go just to get things checked out.  We ran by the house so I could pick up my cake so we could go directly from the hospital to our family brunch.  I was just absolutely positive this was not happening.  As we arrived, I continued to assure the nurses that I would be back tomorrow and to let me know how long this would take to get us back to our Easter plans. Long story short, we were at the hospital for about an hour when the contractions came about five minutes apart and I finally realized we were not going anywhere.  The nurse said, "still want to go home?"  And finally understanding just a glimpse of labor, I said absolutely not.  I guess in hind sight, I realize this is just the beginning of my so called plans going out the window because babies don't wait just because I wanted to have one last family lunch.  

Mr. Hungry brought the strawberry cake in just before the labor pains got unbearable and it turns out, this was no Easter cake, but instead a birthday cake for my sweet little girl.  Friends and family ate the cake while in the waiting room. I guess it's pretty fitting that I brought a cake to the delivery of my own baby girl.  We might just have to turn this into her yearly birthday cake from now on. 


Within an hour, we met the on call doctor who would be delivering our sweet baby and I was in a hospital gown being taken to the OR.  It still seems like a hazy dream, but within that same hour, she was here.  

Little Lilly decided she was no April fool's baby, no matter what we thought.  It has been about two weeks and I still can't believe I get to keep her.  She's just perfect. 

We had everything ready.  I had been nesting day and night and felt prepared in anyway I could be.  The last thing to do was was post about this cake on Sunday evening and get one last good night of sleep.  Lilly had other plans and I'm thrilled that she did.  I'll be back with details on this deliciously fresh strawberry cake, but first I couldn't help but introduce you to our little cupcake.  



  1. Oh I want to eat her right arm up!! (Super specific, I know, but just look at those rolls!!)

    XO to my favorite people!

    - Linds Coffee

  2. Fantastic post
