

Avocado Cucumber Soup

cucumber avocado soup
I owe you a story... and oh, is it a long one. 

I just have this one problem.  I've been so hot lately I just can't think.  

It's blazing outside and I'm totally blaming my slowness and total lack of concentration on this blasted heat. Yep, I blame the heat for my exhaustion that leaves me little to no energy to do anything but lay on the couch, drink Coconut La Croix and watch Real Housewives reruns.  It's simply not my fault.  
cucumber avocado soup



Summer Berry Pie

I'm in frosting up to my knees.  The Wedding Cake Project is closing in on me in less than 48 hours.  My house has been a hot box for the past couple of days baking layers and layers of cake.  Note to self, next time you agree to bake a multi layered cake, make sure it is in the dead of winter.

Enough about me, let's talk about you and how you need to get in on the best thing going right now... summer berries. Back to me real quick... prayers I need lots of prayers. 

It might be past the primetime of the summer for red, white and blue but this little pie is still perfect all summer long.


French Muffin Minis & Syrup Dippers

French toast collage
French muffins + syrup dippers... brunch buffets just got so much more fun. 

If you've been here awhile, you might remember the week before Thanksgiving a couple of years ago where I decreed that I would be back all week long with my favorite Thanksgiving sides.  Well, I only came through with one salad recipe and the rest of my great ideas got eaten way before photographs could be snapped.

Why are you talking about Thanksgiving in the middle of the summer?!
Well, I happened to remember really trying to sell you on getting yourself a set of these little glasses and I promised you that the uses were endless.  Here's one more recipe to add to the bunch.  So if you didn't jump on the band wagon the first time, get yourself some glasses.  I see nothing but more combos in the future. 

From my little kitchen to yours... Enjoy. 

French Muffin Minis + Syrup Dippers
French Muffins, sliced in half (click here for recipe)
Maple syrup or regular syrup
Powdered sugar

Place french muffins in the oven set on low or 200 degree F heat until ready to serve.  Squeeze syrup into half of the shooter glass. Place one french muffin half on the top of each glass.  Dust powdered sugar over each french muffin and serve. 


Wedding Cake Project: Week 2 & Week 3

Okay, so here I am playing catch up as usual.  But these were pretty major steps so I wanted to catch you up to speed on the Wedding Cake Project.   It's time to focus on something major. The taste! Let's get real... What's the last wedding cake you can remember the design and detail of? Now what about the taste? In the long run, you only remember what your favorite cakes tasted like, not what they look like. I know, I know the bride will definitely remember what it looks like and I'm focusing on that too... just not this week. One thing at a time... please, I can only think about one thing at a time. 

I started off with an almond sour cream cake and a chocolate version of the same cake. This will be the only cake at the wedding so we are going to alternate white cake and chocolate cake.

I am happy to announce we have settled on the white cake. However, the chocolate cake was not nearly chocolatey enough.   I made three different ultra chocolatey cakes to see what was the favorite. 

cake samples


look up!

Hey hey hey.

It's been quite the rainy day here in Houston.  Perfect for watching movies back to back and rummaging around on the web.  Just a little update...there is finally a little recipe index! Just look up at the little bar above this post.  I am a little OCD when it comes to recipe organization so I have plans to make quite a few more sub categories, but it's a start.  Alright, back to the movie marathon.

Happy Sunday.


DIY: How to make Pom Poms

DIY Pom Poms
This little kitchen has been keeping itself busy.  Between the catering, throwing parties for family and friends and the ever important wedding cake deadline that is slowly creeping up on me, time is going faster than I could have ever imagined.  I had big plans of reminding you about the perfect Fourth of July pie and equipping you with cold soups that make this summer heat seem not so oppressive.  But between the long days of cooking, many nights have been spent on these little fluff balls to spice up parties and gatherings.  And I promise to be back with cold soups and other goodness soon.

For now, let's pom!