

Green Eggs

green eggs
Mr. Hungry and I come from two different worlds.  

In his world, no one would ever dream of squeezing the toothpaste tube anywhere but from the bottom.  Everyone is very relaxed and laid back; however, there are methods to dishwashing....very meticulous ones at that.  Staying up extremely late is the only way to live. Eggs are best eaten in their most natural state... sunny side up or possibly scrambled... unfussy with nothing more than a splash of milk or touch of salt and pepper.

In my world, one uses the toothpaste that is nicely sitting at the top of the tube.  Schedules are made to pack the most possible things into one day.  Going to bed at 9:00 p.m. is an absolute treat.  Eggs are best when they are dolled up with cheese and spinach and stuffy things like artichoke and garlic... not to mention they must lose their yolks.

Welcome to my world.  This is how we prefer our eggs.  
green eggs 2
There is a great breakfast place in Houston called Baby Barnaby's (if you've been to one of the many Barnaby's, you need to venture into Montrose next to the original Barnaby's and only serves breakfast.  It's an experience).  They make green eggs like none other.  While I will never get close to the original, these are pretty darn good.  
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Green Eggs
Recipe Notes
I prefer mine with just egg whites so I use 4 eggs instead of 3.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup spinach, roughly chopped
1/2 cup artichoke hearts, chopped
1 tablespoon milk
3 large or extra large eggs
1/2 cup shredded monterey jack cheese
1/4 teaspoon salt
pepper to taste
Step by Step
In a medium size bowl, crack eggs and add milk.  Use a fork to whisk the mixture together.  Set aside.

Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a nonstick pan.  Add garlic and spinach.  Saute spinach until leaves wilt, about one minute.  Add artichokes and stir to heat through, about thirty seconds.

Add egg mixture and scramble with a spoon.  Continue to cook eggs, scrambling with a spoon.  When eggs are cooked through, add cheese and mix into eggs.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  Cook until cheese is melted.

Remove from heat and serve immediately.

Makes 2 servings.


  1. that looks INCREDIBLE! Adding to my "to make" list!

  2. This recipe has all my favorite ingredients! Cheese, artichokes and spinach. Yummy!

  3. I would love these eggs. They sound amazing.

  4. I can imagine all of those delicious green veggie additions working beautifully in my standard tofu scramble as well. Artichoke hearts are always such a treat!

  5. You know they say that opposites attract and it's true. My husband and I are completely different and have been married for 31 years. It's our differences that make life interesting. He too, loves his eggs as is, I love to dress them up, so I'll be making your version very soon. :)

  6. Great way to cook eggs...lots of green. Looks delicious and healthy!
    Thanks for the recipe Ashlea and hope you are having a great week :)

  7. love these eggs, packed with flavor and color!!

  8. Can I be in both camps? I love plain eggs, and I love eggs with lots of green stuff in them too. This version with artichoke hearts sounds fantastic!

  9. Whitney- Food for LoveSeptember 2, 2013 at 8:37 AM

    I am a Houston native and every time we venture over to Baby Barnaby's this is what I order. We just recently moved to San Antonio so I am looking forward to making these for my hubby and I as a little reminder of home. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yay! I hope they turn out for you like you remember. I would miss these green eggs if I moved away too. :)
