

hi there.


Well, I'm back.

Sort of.... kind of.  I mean, yes, I'm here, but my mind is somewhere in the past debating over the day's fare: pizza or 4 cheese gnocchi.

The last month was nothing short of incredible.  That's actually the problem. It was so incredible I don't even know where to begin.  When we took off for Italy I knew great food and fun cooking were in my future, but every moment was so unforgettable, it's hard to consolidate my thoughts on the whole trip.

Although far from exhaustive, the following is a glimpse of what my trip consisted of (and a little explanation of what I've been doing in case you are new here)....

Where have you been and why did you take off to Europe for a month?
Mr. Hungry is in law school.  He will graduate this December, so in honor of his last summer before the real world, he wisely chose to study in Florence for a month.  I mean, why not?  Classes about international sports law in the morning and la dolce vida by 1:30 pm?  Yes, please.

 Of course I wasn't about to be left behind for even one second so I tagged along.  While he went to class each day, I went to different cooking schools so that I could come back and share new recipes, but also hopefully find some gems that I could point you to in case you find yourself in Italy.  And let me assure you, I have found a few experiences that are a must if you ever find yourself there.  And here's the good news... even if you are with people who don't like to cook, you should assure them they will want to join because every experience promises a lovely meal with lots of wine at the end.

The cooking schools and recipes will be coming first, but I was also able to pick up a few new dishes from restaurants that we fell in love with. 

Here we go...

There was much fresh pasta and gnocchi making.   
Coming soon:  The secret ingredient I learned that will make your pasta sheets stick together without water.
There were markets with only the freshest ingredients everyday... I couldn't bring these back with me, but it did inspire me to always cook with what's in season.

Then two dear friends, Katie & Abby, arrived and we headed to the hills of San Gimignano for a day of cooking (and lots of eating).
The three of us took a little side trip to Capri and we somehow winked our way into a kitchen to learn the secrets behind the best lemon linguine on God's green earth.

Coming soon:  The recipe and exactly how to get yourself to this restaurant if you ever find yourself in Capri... it's worth it.

Gelato on the reg... 

There were pizzas that could not have been more simple, yet so good.  I get giddy just thinking about it. 
Coming soon: My attempts to recreate. 

There was a weekend in Barcelona, Spain.  
And let me tell you why this is very important.  We found the best tapas bar in town and I might have sweet talked my way into getting the recipe for the best Sangria...ever.  
Coming soon: Info on how to find this place, but most importantly, a sangria recipe that will knock your socks off. 
Parmesan zucchini toasts and fried zucchini blossoms that I am eager to share.
I am confident these recipes can reform any zucchini hater.  

And I feel like it's time I admit to a little habit/obssession/ love of mine.  Haribo gummies.  Most famous for the original Haribo gummy bears, this is a candy company that makes anything and everything you can possibly imagine in gummy form.  They have way more varieties in Europe so I picked up a new kind almost daily.
This here was the animal kingdom variety that I first spotted on our road trip to Germany.

And then there was Paris...
I took a break from cooking and just focused on eating.  I have been dying to come here as long as I can remember and I had a very short time to fit in all of the things I had dreamed about eating in Paris.

The French Onion soup was the best I have ever had.  So decadent with all that cheese, but somehow light and refreshing at the same time. 
I could barely contain myself every time I saw a crepe stand.
Most of the time I was full, but I had to get one anyway.
And then... in our final hours of this month long trip, I found the most charming macaron store straight out of a fairy tale with every flavor and color you could imagine.

We had just had a three course meal for lunch and I thought I had seen and eaten it all.

But what's a girl to do?  It's Paris.... It's a French macaron.

So naturally, we each picked a flavor...
me, cherry speckled vanilla bean... Mr. Hungry, chocolate,and ended our trip on the sweetest note imaginable.


  1. I am so excited to hear about all of this!!! Glad you're back!

  2. Wow, what a month you have had. Can't make it to Italy myself right now so I will definitely be cooking everything you have to share!!

  3. YEA! :-) Can't wait to hear all the details! :-) Welcome back!

  4. I would like to make a request that you post that Sangria recipe asap! :)

  5. Yes, on the sangria recipe, but I am going to Italy this fall and would LOVE to cook! I can't wait to hear your suggestions.

  6. glad you had fun....cant wait to hear more! I have to admit, though, I have been missing my little kitchen updates so WELCOME BACK!!!! :)

  7. Looks and sounds like you had an amazing month! I'm so looking forward to hearing more about the classes and eating and also those recipes. I also have a Haribo obsession so I bet I'd pick up a new bag every day, too. :)

  8. looking forward to your lemon linquine recipe! remember me, we met in capri at the hotel luna ! kim

  9. Hi Kim! Of course I remember you! Hope you, Bob and your son had a great rest of the trip and the lemon linguine is coming soon!

  10. What an amazing trip! My dream is to go cook in Italy so I will be waiting too for your suggestions! Glad you are back... our house has missed the updates.

  11. I'm overwhelmed with envy. I miss Europe something awful. It sounds like you lived it up and had an incredible trip!

  12. Oh my gosh this is making me so hungry and not excited about my Lean Cuisine for lunch. What a fabulous month!

  13. I can't imagine a better way to end a month of traveling than to eat macarons in Paris!

  14. I hope you are posting some recipes this week. My mouth has been watering since you posted this!

  15. Amazing! I hope you share more food pics from you trip.
