

Kitchen Registry 101: any questions or advice?

I get quite a few emails and questions about wedding registries pertaining to the kitchen.  And after my experience, I love nothing more than trying to share the little info I know on the subject because let me tell you, it was a train wreck at times for me.  Whether you are really into cooking or not, let's face it, you will most likely get more stuff for your kitchen when you are getting married than any other time in your life and if you do it right, you will have things that last you a life time.  So I am going to put together a few posts about things I'm glad I knew when registering and things I wish I had known.  If you have any questions or things you would like me to cover, leave a comment or send me an email.    I am by no means am an expert so if you have any tips you learned along the way, I'd love to include them so shoot me an email.

This is where my registering story began, three years ago... 

When you get engaged, some girls start dreaming about the dress they will wear and the flowers they will carry.  Me?  I started having dreams of Le Creuset dutch ovens and 12 cup food processors.  Getting to pick out shiny new kitchen gear and then receive these gifts at parties and in the mail from dear friends and family seemed magical.  Am I alone here?

Mr. Hungry and I took off for the registry event at Williams Sonoma that takes place every Sunday before the store opens because in my mind, this store was a must.  This is where I almost lost my mind.  I quickly realized that the endless types of fry pans to the 6 options for zesters was more than I had expected.  I mean, I liked to cook, but when it came to brands and materials, I didn't really have a clue.

And then I had to deal with what I had not even thought about... Mr. Hungry having his own ideas as to what we needed in the kitchen.  As I am stressing over trying to educate myself on nonstick pans vs. stainless steel pans, I start to hear this little beep beep... beep beep.  I realized this was the sound of the scanning gun we had been given and quickly put it together that I could not see Mr. Hungry who was armed with the gun.  I turn the corner to see him scanning some drinking glasses.  I thought no, no you don't just pick random glasses.    I wrestled the gun away and went back to trying to find a normal cheese grater instead of this gourmet one that cost $40.00.  Apparently I had set the gun down while looking at different options because before I knew it, I was hearing those beeps again.  I go searching for him again and found him crouched down in front of an industrial size meat slicer. Yes, apparently Williams Sonoma sells these and apparently Mr. Hungry thought it was a must have.  I laughed until I realized he was serious.  He said, "Ash, of course we need this... I will cut fresh meat for sandwiches all the time."  Besides the fact that the actual machine would take up a whole counter, I said... REALLY?? You think we are going to keep slabs of meat around that could feed an entire army??  We left.

This began our troubles with registering.  Between being overwhelmed and coming to the realization that there would be two of us doing this, we left.  I needed to figure a lot out before we even thought about going to another store.

Looking back it was comical, but at the time, I was just stressed.  So, from picking out everyday dishes to what types of pans to invest in I will share the world of registering according to me, which like I said, I'm no expert, but I feel like I've learned a lot along the way.

Leave a comment or email me, with questions you would like me to cover or advice you have to share.

Stay tuned...


  1. Oh my gosh! :-) This is ON MY HEART TOO! :-) I'm creating a whole page on my blog DEDICATED to THIS subject because brides can be SO lost when registering! :-) Luckily I had a "martha stewart" to help me register but I still wish I had gotten somethings and not others!

  2. sign me up. can't wait to hear your thoughts on the subject. I've actually been married for so long that we are replacing a lot of stuff so I would love your suggestions on great tools. Especially pans!!!

  3. I don't even know where to start with the questions I have. So this is where I am and I would love all you have to offer on this subject. I just graduated from college and this is the first time I have lived with a full kitchen. I want to start buying a few items for myself and don't want to get cheap things that won't last long. I would like to see the overall picture and know what to buy now and check off my list. My roommates and I love this blog!!!

  4. hahaha... I just laughed out loud reading about your husband sneaking away with the gun and registering for an industrial meat slicer. That is exactly why I left my husband out of the trips to register. hahaha

  5. Actually we are going to find some new kitchen toys today....a new induction cooking range and maybe even a new oven.

  6. I personally think $40 cheese graters are necessary ;) I've never imagined getting married, and am so single I don' foresee that changing, but my oh my I wish I could have a kitchen wedding registry anyway!

  7. Yes! This is wonderful. I was so lost when registering, too, and of course my husband was just ready to go home. :)

  8. I really could have used this. We asked for things we didn't know much about and are having to re buy a lot 3 years later.

  9. I know! Everyone is lost when registering and the husband-to-be is no help at all here.
    Ina Garten recently had a show where she went over essentials for the kitchen. Great idea. Luckily, things were not so complicated when I got married...and my MIL had the neatest kitchen shower for me. She was a big help!

  10. Haha, your registry experience makes me laugh and I am completely with you on being excited about getting all new kitchen stuff!

  11. Mary Catherine BolinApril 11, 2011 at 12:32 PM

    I just had to comment because I thought this was hysterical. So my husband works in an all male office, but they have a female assistant. Apparently, she made something off of your blog for them one day and they were all raving about it. Some sort of cupcake. She showed them your link and some of the men look at it now (and often email your recipes to wives... I am one that gets them!) And my husband emailed me this morning with the title "See, I'm not the only one." When we were registering, he wanted this meat slicer too!!! I said absolutely not and he was so mad at me, but now he sees that just wasn't practical. Had to share and just wanted you to know you have lots of fans in South Carolina.

  12. You are right. Lists I saw when I was registering were way too general. "Know your style" and such. I can't wait to see what you put together. The best decision I made was registering for a Kitchen Aid mixer. I wasn't a baker at the time and just thought I would never use it, but I do and I would never buy one now for myself. Perfect time to get that appliance!

  13. Great post! I didn't actually get anything on my registry! maybe a few things... but mostly just gift cards for the registry places b/c people could not choose! haha after all that choosing... other ppl couldn't make a choice! too funny!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  14. All Clad pans were the best decision I ever made. My husband didn't want me to register for them because he thought they were too expensive. But guests did give us a few of them and they have lasted way longer than anything else we registered for!

  15. love this idea and couldn't agree more. Those very general "register for your style" articles just don't do it. I was laughing out loud reading your registry story.
