

My new favorite tool + Summer plans

This could totally be one of those things that everyone knows about and I've just been in the dark about all these years, or maybe it could be new news to you too.  Do you have a marble rolling pin?  I would wager to say this has changed my life.  A little extreme I know, but the fact that I know longer spend time scraping dough of any kind off of my rolling pin is nothing short of wonderful.

My boss gave me this beautiful rolling pin for Christmas and while I was sure I would use it just because  it was so pretty, I had no idea it would work better.  I don't have to flour things to death to keep them from sticking and the glass stays nice and cool.

On to what has been preoccupying most of my time...

We are going to Italy this summer!  I can barely wrap my mind around it still, but Mr. Hungry will be studying abroad in Florence so we will be there for a month.  And on to why I am sharing this with you... I will be going to a few cooking classes while we are there.

To make a very-long-I-could-go-on-for-days story a little shorter, I will sum up why I just can't believe this is happening again.  The summer after I graduated from college, I spent some time in Europe that included two weeks in Florence going to cooking school with my friend Allison.  Every part of the trip was magical and I just never ever thought I would have the chance to spend more than a couple of days there again.

{we can thank our chef Genarro for the angle on this photo that he just insisted was a great idea}

{oh, these markets... I dream about these markets}


I had a love of cooking going into that trip, but it really changed everything.  From learning the importance of kosher salt to making homemade pasta, it sealed my fate for a love of food and cooking.

IMG_1652We are working on planning the details, but I am most excited to share with you my cooking adventures.  Okay, that is all for now... I just felt like I could not go on another day without sharing.  If you have any must see (or eat) places in or around Florence, I would love for you to share.

Oh, and one more thing...
{picture via pinterest}

We are ending our trip with 3 days in Paris and its almost too much to handle.  I have never been and have spent too many nights dreaming of curb side cafes and fresh pastries.  I feel like I'm six again and my parents just told me I finally get to go to Disney World.


  1. SOOOO fun! :-) I just remember AMAZING gelato! :-) like, I ate it every day! :-) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. What a dream! We are wanting to plan a trip to Italy for our anniversary and I can't wait to hear where you take cooking classes!

  3. Oh, oh, oh. Kosher salt in pasta..........that's perhaps the reason why I've never brought out my real Italian pasta maker. Now I have 2 boxes of the said salt and so I better get to work. If you make it to the Netherlands, lets have coffee, dinner, food shopping fest. Love the rolling pin too.....

  4. oh my! I am laughing out loud and beaming ear to ear thinking about those days in Florence and about the fact that you have now included dear Genarro in the Little Kitchen chronicles. Just amazing!

  5. I had a marble rolling pin, and it seems to have disappeared when I moved. Odd...
    But yours is so pretty!

  6. Oh, I am so, so, so happy for you! One day I'll make it back to Paris. I dare you to try and defeat my tally of eating 66 macarons in 2 weeks ;)

  7. Ahh!! I am SO excited for you and your trip! And jealous. Mindblowingly jealous. :P

  8. amazing! When we were there, we made it a point to eat every gelato that Rick Steves recommended in Florence and Rome. He has great lists before. How fun you are ending in Paris!!

  9. Wow, how incredible! Looks like I will have to live vicariously through you this summer. Can't wait for all the posts!

  10. I can't wait to see you! I'll have to take you to some of the restaurants I've discovered the past few months.
