

the little kitchen garden

It’s a MIRACLE.  We have edible things in our backyard, that I planted, that are actually growing and taste amazing.  There is a good chance no one but my dad was reading this blog when I posted about this, but to say the least, I have had a rough past trying to grow anything.  Lo and behold, when we moved into this new house, we had a backyard that had been full of fruits and vegetables.  A Japanese couple had been growing just about everything you could imagine and while this intrigued me, I didn’t know where to start to carry this on.

By the time we got over this and started thinking about the backyard, we had weeds knee high where a garden use to be.  So I decided to get serious about this and get rid of these weeds one by one.  One of the hardest projects I have ever tackled, but probably the most satisfying. 

Next, Mr. Hungry constructed the beds with stones that were in the backyard already plus a few fresh ones.  And then sometime last fall, I took the plunge to see if I could make anything grow.
I started with all tiny plants (instead of seeds…I needed to see some progress quick to feel like I could half way do this) and around Christmas, I had managed to keep all of the herbs alive and we started getting broccoli.  I’m still sticking with the fact that we have magical soil because I’m not sure I gave these things TLC everyday like they might need.
I meant to take pictures of the growth process, but kind of fell behind so instead I will show you some of what I got out of this thing...  We ended up with 8 heads of broccoli, parsley, rosemary, basil, parsley, sage, lavender, oregano, thyme,  tons of arugula and 3 heads of cauliflower.


Anyone else have any kind of garden?  Or interested in starting one? And yes, I consider an herb in a pot a garden.  So here is my attempt at one of my resolutions of growing more of the food I eat, and I feel like I have picked up a few things from my first crop and I am ready for spring. 


  1. Ash - I am so impressed!! Oh and I love the new motto... Quarter-life cooking in a dime-sized kitchen. Too punny! Too cute!

  2. I have had a HUGE vegetable garden. . . to now just growing oregano and mint. . . (the freeze last year took everything except for those two!)

  3. amazing!! please give step by steps along the way of your gardening adventures. If I see enough of it, hopefully I will get the courage to start my own. I would love to grow my own vegetables but have been to scared to try. was this an expensive project?

  4. Wow! Very impressive for your first garden. Keep up the good work!

  5. I would love to see some garden posts! Gardening here in Houston is no easy task and I would love to see what you learn along the way.
    Julia Lisenby

  6. So impressive! Yes, I have a garden and I will say Houston has its many ups and downs with gardening. The end of February is a great time to start your next crop so the plants can have a good long time in the ground before it gets too hot.
