

Heart Cookie Explosion


First of all, I would like to apologize for another Valentine's post.  You either a.) like Valentine's Day, but already celebrated and have moved on or b.) you hate the day to begin with and would rather be spared for at least another year.  But I just had to share...
Our home was invaded this weekend  with pink, red and white icing and lots of sprinkles.  I was hired to make 300 valentine's cookies and while I just had a ball making these, they kind of took over our sweet little 900 square feet that we live in.  I am pretty sure the bed is the only surface that was not drying cookies on Saturday (and if Mr. Hungry had not been taking a nap, I do not think it would have been spared).  I ended up with 3 sizes... a teeny mini heart with pink icing, a medium sized heart that I adorned with different sprinkles, and a fairly large heart, which I made into conversation hearts.
I share these because I have picked up a few tricks on how to make that perfectly iced sugar cookie that I thought only existed in magical bakeries.  I realize some bakeries can still blow these out of the water with their precision, but I thought these hearts turned out pretty darn cute.  Just thought I would share and I will be back soon with the tips I picked up on how to ice a sugar cookie.






  1. Okay, those look unbelievable. Please hurry with your instructions on how to make those. The look unbelievable. I am still doubting I could ever make cookies like that, but please share soon because I would love to start practicing!

  2. YUM!!!! I would be really happy if my house looked like that right now :)

  3. Wow, Ash! They look so amazing - tasty & adorable! I can't believe that you made that many....

  4. Those look as pretty as any professional bakery could make. Of course, I guess you are a "professional" baker now! Another great job!

  5. I would have gone mad making so many cookies, kudos to you! They look amazing and so girly :)

  6. the pink ones with white sprinkles on one half are my favorite! they look amazing.

  7. those are a LOT of lovely hearts!!! tremendous job!

  8. please post your cookie recipe and tricks to icing them.

  9. Holy cow! That is a LOT of cookies! They look wonderful. Please do post your cookie icing secrets! Yum!

  10. I agree with the last two comments... i would loooove you tricks and recipe!! And how many hours could that have possibly taken with such a small kitchen?

  11. hey there! i am deanna the children's minister at SJD. you did these for my event. they were amazing and so beautiful. i will use you over and over again! thanks for the hard work, beautiful product and willingness to do so many for us. it made me happy, happy, happy!
