

And the Winner is...

So we have a winner for the Berndes Crepe Pan Giveaway! drumroll..... MEGAN MICHELSON! Congrats Megan and your Berndes Pan will be shipped to you shortly.  I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing anyone truly picks a random name for a blog contest (especially when you have friends enter!) so if you need reassurance that this random drawing really took place, I have posted the actual drawing below.  Literally as I was cooking dinner last night right when I got home, I pulled out a bowl and put together this drawing.  So it's nothing fancy, just proof!

Thank you all for entering and I hope to have more drawings in the future.  Megan's crepe comment was one that included pumpkin and cinnamon.  My true plan was to make the crepe that the winner had suggested for this post.  But two things got in my way... First, it is still too gosh darn hot here in Houston to think about making anything as "fallish" and cozy as a pumpkin and cinnamon crepe.  Secondly, I couldn't have you kind folks waiting any longer to know who won the pan and I just didn't have time crank out a new crepe tonight.  So I will be back with a version of a pumpkin crepe and maybe our crepe pan winner could share her first crepe with us from her kitchen!

Disclaimer: I'm slightly appalled at where this youtube video decided to pause on here.  I mean really?  Do I need this up close and personal bewildered look on my face captured?  Oh well, I'm not tech savvy enough to know how to change it so please disregard!