

Weekend Update: Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter...Final Farewell

Well, it's officially time to bid farewell to our dear Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter.  It had a good run (well not really), but I have had to face reality that growing tomatoes when the heat index has hit 108 degrees is just silly.  We had some highs and lows (okay, I guess mainly lows since I never saw an actual tomato), and I have to give my official report. The Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter has officially failed.  However, I cannot really blame this on the Topsy Turvy completely.  It  was a little unreasonable for me to try and get these going in mid May in Houston.  I am going to give this sucker another chance next spring because I think that is fair.  So in review, I will share what I learned.  In this region of Texas, you must plant tomatoes by late March or early April.  I also learned that the yellow flowers are the beginnings of tomatoes if they just have enough cool air and water to stay alive.  Thanks for following the journey and we will see this tike next spring!  


  1. Ashley Smashley - I also bought one of these adorable planters for Kyle, who LOVES to grow tomatoes. AFTER my purchase, I checked online and much to my dismay, discovered reams of comments from folks saying it doesn't work! Actually, I didn't find anyone who liked it. Everyone liked the idea, but unless you were home to water it 2-3 times a day, it was a "no go." AND if you get any tomatoes, it's too heavy. SO SAD! I returned mine without even opening it. SO .. your experiment came up with the same result. Sorry, sweet friend. Luv ya! Joyfully, Barb

  2. Thanks for the review Barb... Too bad I didn't talk to you at the beginning of the summer!
