

Weekend Update: Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter...Week 7

And so I continue my Topsy Turvy report.  I have to admit it's getting hard for me to keep up the enthusiasm about this darn thing.  There is no real new news.  The leaves continue to grow and I continue to get yellow flowers, but that is as far as it goes.  The yellow flowers soon wilt.  To add on to my discouragement, anyone who has had success growing anything in Houston has assured me it is too hot for the survival of tomatoes.  Guess these suckers just can't take the heat in our 104 degree afternoons.  I will continue on for another week or two just to give it a good try.  And no matter what happens, I will retry the topsy turvy next year before the melting summer begins.  So stay tuned for a few more weeks!!

More promising blooms...
...and more dead ones!


  1. According to a Texas A and M planting schedule, you should transplant tomato seedlings from March 15 to April 10. You may just need to start your maters a littler earlier next year.

  2. Thank you Suzan! Yeah, better luck next year!
