

cherry almond granola

cherry almond granola
A little something has snuck into my world and stolen a good chunk of my free time.  It's called... the real world. 

I have had a job these past few years, but new this year I have been given more responsibility with a lot more hours.  The good news is I absolutely love it,  but the bad news is I don't have as much time to share what's going on in the kitchen.  Because yes, we are still eating around here so be patient with me and I will get back to sharing.

Enough about that because what you really need to know about is this recipe.  I have been on a search for a great granola recipe and I'm afraid my long search is over with just one recipe.  I was ready to buy pounds of oats and spend many an hour slowly toasting different recipes until I found just the right one, but this has become an instant favorite.
cherry granola 2
From my little to kitchen to yours... Enjoy.

Cherry Almond Granola
Adapted from Peace Meals, Junior League of Houston
Recipe Notes
I have never met a dried cherry I didn't like and I am sure any variety you find at your grocery will be great.  I used tart dried cherries for this recipe.  Though I haven't tried it myself, the original recipe suggests throwing in some mini chocolate chips after the granola has cooled for an afternoon snack.
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 1/4 cups sliced almonds
1 cup dried cherries (an extra 1/2 cup if you love these)
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1/4 flax seeds
parchment paper
Step by Step
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.  Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.  In a large bowl, mix together the oats, almonds, cherries, coconut and flax seeds.  Stir together the oil, honey, brown sugar and vanilla in a small saucepan over low heat.  Stir until well blended and sugar has dissolved.  Pour sugar honey mixture over granola and mix to coat well. Spread the granola on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 32 minutes or until golden brown, stirring halfway through.  Cool completely, then loosen from the baking sheet and crumble.  Store in an airtight container.

Makes 8 cups.


little kitchen loves... the marta glass

Every once in a while, something makes its way into your kitchen and just makes everything better.  That's how I feel about the Marta glass.  I first read about them here and after staring at the chips and cracks on our current glasses, I decided we needed a change.  I am in love with the Marta glass from CB2.  I can be a little bit of a cheap skate, especially with breakables because we seem to always, well, break them.  So the price tag on these babies was also very attractive because I can rest easy knowing its not going to break the bank if we break one.  

They are light but sturdy and are perfect for everything from water to wine.  We went with two sizes... the middle and the one on the right.  I love them both, but I also wish we had a few of the biggest one too.  Probably my next investment.
They also make great, sleek vases.  Wouldn't a line of these in different sizes be great table decor?  I plan on trying it sometime and will share.